So you're here because you're wondering what a savanna is...

I figure that you're probably here because you want to know EXACTLY what a savanna is, so here's a little introduction to the topic. Well, you've probably heard the word savanna before sometime in your life. It may possibly have been associated with Africa, lions, elephants, giraffes, and tall flat-topped trees. You're mostly right there - except for the Africa part. I'm not saying that savannas don't exist in Africa. They do! But, many exist in other places such as Australia and South America. You'll be surprised to hear that kangaroos and koalas all live in savannas in Australia!
Savanna's are the biome in between a 'forest' and a 'grassland'. They're hot regions that have clear rainy and dry drought seasons. They consist of a mixture of trees and grasses and is home to various animals from lions to buffaloes to kangaroos.

Here's a definition of a savanna from
1) a plain characterized by coarse grasses and scattered tree growth, esp. on the margins of the tropics where the rainfall is seasonal, as in eastern Africa.
2) grassland region with scattered trees, grading into either open plain or woodland, usually in subtropical or tropical regions.